> 春节2024 > 今天要不要过年呢英文




Are you planning to spend the Spring Festival here? Although I won\'t go back to my hometown, I still want to celebrate.


Did Mike eat zongzi yesterday? Yes, he did. I didn\'t have any milk this morning. Nancy wore a costume on Halloween, didn\'t she? Yes, she did.


1. Nothing at all. 2. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Or (The New Year is just around the corner.) The latter phrase sounds more poetic.


Haha, today is Chinese New Year\'s Eve, and the Spring Festival is coming soon. Our family gathered in front of the television.


When is the Chinese New Year?


Today is Chinese New Year\'s Eve, and we are going to welcome the arrival of the new year. This afternoon, the grandmother insisted on...


Phrases: An essay about the Spring Festival - The Spring Festival, A composition about the Spring Festival - Chinese New Year, Additional information, Example sentence: It is about the Spring Festival.


In the coming year, what are your plans? In the winter holiday, I think I will have a great time.


Today, the significance of the Spring Festival seems to have faded. How can we make the Spring Festival more meaningful?

今年春节是什么时候 用英语怎么说 - CPj663bfJ7 的回答

When is the Spring Festival this year? 今年春节是什么时候 When is the Spring Festival this year?